For 27 years, ProActive has offered courses that follow current BC curriculum in Applied Skills, Careers, English, Health, Math, Science, and Social Studies. These courses are the culmination of thirty-four years' experience as an alternate education teacher, and are used with great success every day in classrooms throughout BC and beyond.
ProActive Curriculum has been a labour of love, born out of necessity as I traded a regular classroom gig for life in a storefront school. The courses offered have found homes in every district in the province as well as the Yukon and Northwest Territories. I have truly enjoyed every minute of this one man show. But to everything there is a season, and since I retired from teaching in 2022, it has become apparent that it is time to pass the torch.
I am pleased to announce that my friend and former teaching partner, Christine Thygesen is the new owner of ProActive. She brings a wealth of experience as an Alternate Education teacher and high school counsellor, She has written quite a few courses over the last 6 or 7 years, and is emminently qualified to take over. I am sure she will lead ProActive to new heights. Welcome Chris!
We are pleased to announce we now have English 10 Adapted and English 12 Adapted available. Check them out!
A tabbed binder, with printed masters of the entire course.
Answer keys for the Worksheets, Unit Tests, and Cumulative Tests. Project marking rubrics.
A USB Drive with PDF versions of the files.
Fair Use Agreement: Use the course for as many students as you wish at a single site.